Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How to become an IT Girl in Coco Girl

The competition is on in the Coco World as Coco Girls dressed their way to becoming an IT Girl. Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky to become the “IT Girl”, and so, here’s what to do to help you become an IT Girl.

Be Creative. That’s the whole point of everything, you create, and you mix and match, right?  So here’s a top, always visit a friends house or perhaps check out the top look of the day in the portrait in your Coco House and check out some fashionable girls and see how everyone dresses up.

Now that you are ready to create, its time to participate and dress up for the Runway, and with that being said, in order to save your look for the runway you must first finish dressing up for your look for the day as well as your look for the quest on the same day. Then you’re on for a grandiose look for the runway. How do we do that?

Here’s how:

You see that Gold Woman Figure Trophy? You click on that and you will be directed to the Coco IT World.

And there to prepare you for the competition with other Coco Girls you are asked to save your look for 5 consecutive days. So you would need to come back every single day until you complete your 5 runway looks.

Once you have completed the 5 looks for the runway, its time to invite your friends and followers to vote for your best looks among the 5 looks you have created, and the look who have completed the first 5 votes, shall qualify for the Runway IT Girl Competition, in which you will be competing with the other looks of other Coco Girls buying for the Coco IT Girl Title.

As usual, votes are casted by other Coco Girls; the competition shall run for 7 days, the Coco Girl with the highest votes shall be crowned as the Coco IT Girl for the week. 2 Coco Girls shall also be awarded as the 2nd and 3rd placer.

And as for me, Yes, I just won 1st Place, I am the Coco IT Girl for the week.

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