Thursday, August 23, 2012

The New Sphere for the Geeks and IT Girls

Hey you there IT girls, I know I have been out of the fashion seat for like how many months now, and that's why I am back with a very awesome surprise to all you Fashionistas out there... :)

First of all, I am proud to say that Fab Coco Girl has evolved into an improved sphere to discuss great deals in fashion, and games... Alright you girlies, I must confess, that you primadonna chic is a fab social gamer and a fashionista rolled into an awesome brainiac chic.. ( I'm exaggerating of course ^_^)

So let me introduce the new Fab Coco Girl, which from now on will talk about everything an IT Girl should know, all that games and fashion tips only here just for you, how about that?

Okay should you ask why I decided to change the pacing of this interesting fab site? well it's all because I got addicted to the adorable geeks in the Big Bang Theory series and I am so in love with the New Girl, of course its my dear Zooey, who inspires me everyday to be better and cool with things... I like having fun girls.. in a nice way!

So here is my pleasant surprise to my favorite Coco Girls! I am giving away some Coco Stuff -- (if you are a coco girl addict then this is your lucky day!) Get the following items for free!

Get this whole outfit except for Jewelries